Mom, farm entrepreneur, industrial engineer, and lover of food

I was just like you when I started—idealistic about the future of food and agriculture, wanting to prepare healthy and wholesome meals, and provide a living for our family. As an Industrial Engineer, I saw the struggles that small farms faced as they tried to distance themselves from Big Ag instead of learning from them. As an ACTUAL Farmsteader, I am here to help you through the journey to achieve your goals.

Founder, Farm Business Agent


Years of Engineering Experience

Resources for all sizes,

tailored to your niche


Your goals may be focused on the home instead of the profit but you can streamline the tasks to make room for the fun. It also never hurts to make a little cash!


Your goals may be centered back to the integrated family farm. Diverse enterprises that support each other, feed the family, and provide a modest income.

Farm Business

You may have a passion for a specific industry within the agriculture community and long for your dream career. A farm business might not just support your family but your community as well.


You may not have a lot of land but your home can also be a place to run your business. You may want to make crafts or start a cottage food business.

Start improving your operation today!